Prospy LogoProspy

    ✨ New: Twitter & Reddit integration

    Find customers on autopilot

    Prospy scans the internet 24/7 to find high-intent buyers for your products

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    Trusted by 111+ founders


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    Why useProspy?

    Prospy automatically discovers relevant conversations across the internet, so you can focus on engaging with potential customers instead of endlessly scrolling.

    Without Prospy

    • Spend 2-3 hours/day searching for leads
    • Miss 70% of relevant conversations
    • Struggle to identify high-intent prospects
    • Lose revenue from missed opportunities
    • Spend hours crafting individual replies
    • Risk burnout from repetitive tasks

    With Prospy

    • Save 15+ hours/week on lead discovery
    • Capture most relevant conversations
    • Identify high-intent prospects with precision
    • Turn quick responses into more sales
    • AI writes replies that sound just like you
    • Focus on high-value tasks, let AI handle the rest




    The easiest way to keep track of what's important to you on Twitter, Reddit and Hackernews.


    Get more customersin less time.

    Prospy automatically discovers relevant conversations across social media, so you can focus on engaging with potential customers instead of endlessly scrolling.

    Website analysis
    Automatically assess your website to extract key information.




    Social media monitoring
    Find prospects for your business (or mentions of your brand) by tracking relevant posts across Twitter, Reddit and Hacker News.
    State-of-the-art AI models
    Use the latest OpenAI, Anthropic and Meta models.
    Custom Instructions

    No custom instructions

    Customizable AI agents
    Customize your AI agent so it generates replies just like you.

    Weekly Report

    20 new mentions for AnotherWrapper
    36 new mentions for boilerplate
    20 new mentions for ai apps
    14 new mentions for ImagenMIA
    7 new mentions for WorkoutPro
    20 new mentions for AnotherWrapper
    36 new mentions for boilerplate
    20 new mentions for ai apps
    14 new mentions for ImagenMIA
    7 new mentions for WorkoutPro
    Personalized timeline & emails
    Find relevant posts on your timeline & get weekly email reports.


    Simpleaffordable pricing.

    Choose an affordable plan that's packed with the best features for engaging your audience, creating customer loyalty, and driving sales.

    Annual2 MONTHS FREE ✨


    A basic plan for startups and individual users

    $17 / month

    • Website analysis
    • 1 project
    • 5 keywords
    • 50 replies/month
    • Scan every 6 hours
    • Custom AI model
    • Post relevancy analysis
    • Hackernews scan
    • Reddit scan
    • Twitter scan
    • Analytics (coming soon)
    • Weekly reports (coming soon)
    • Sentiment analysis (coming soon)


    A premium plan for growing businesses

    $45 / month

    • Website analysis
    • 2 projects
    • 15 keywords
    • 300 replies/month
    • Scan every 3 hours
    • Custom AI model
    • Post relevancy analysis
    • Hackernews scan
    • Reddit scan
    • Twitter scan
    • Analytics (coming soon)
    • Weekly reports (coming soon)
    • Sentiment analysis (coming soon)


    The ultimate plan with all features for industry leaders

    $198 / month

    • Website analysis
    • 50 projects
    • 100 keywords
    • 2500 replies/month
    • Scan every 2 hours
    • Custom AI model
    • Post relevancy analysis
    • Hackernews scan
    • Reddit scan
    • Twitter scan
    • Analytics (coming soon)
    • Weekly reports (coming soon)
    • Sentiment analysis (coming soon)


    The ultimate plan with all features for industry leaders

    $558 / month

    • Website analysis
    • Unlimited projects
    • 500 keywords
    • 5000 replies/month
    • Scan every 1 hour
    • Custom AI model
    • Post relevancy analysis
    • Hackernews scan
    • Reddit scan
    • Twitter scan
    • Analytics (coming soon)
    • Weekly reports (coming soon)
    • Sentiment analysis (coming soon)



    How does Prospy find potential customers?

    Prospy periodically scans various internet platforms and identifies relevant posts and conversations where mentioning your brand or business could be beneficial. It then presents these opportunities to you for review and take action.

    Is Prospy suitable for all types of businesses?

    Prospy is perfect for SaaS businesses, content creators, marketers, and businesses of all sizes who want to leverage online platforms to grow their customer base. It's especially useful for those looking to expand their reach and engage with potential customers in a more targeted way.

    Can I customize the AI agent?

    For each project you're tracking you'll be able to setup a custom AI agent and give it specific instructions. You can set up specific parameters, keywords, and tone preferences to ensure that the opportunities it finds and the responses it suggests align perfectly with your brand voice and business goals.

    How does Prospy ensure authentic engagement without spamming?

    Prospy promotes genuine interactions by drafting personalized responses based on your brand voice. You review and control all responses before posting, ensuring relevant and valuable engagements.

    Does Prospy automatically post replies?

    No, Prospy doesn't post automatically. It suggests personalized responses for you to review and post manually, respecting platform policies.

    What platforms does Prospy scan?

    Prospy scans Twitter, Hacker News, and Reddit to find relevant conversations. We will be adding new platforms in the future.